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Doctor Who is a Woman NOW Extra shit jpg
Doctor Who is a Woman Now - Ron Grainer Theme Arr. Roland Bryce
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Doctor Who is a WOMAN now!

A fun track for the young at heart!

The 13th DOCTOR has regenerated and somehow changed gender! Jodie Whittaker plays the DOCTOR and I personally love it!

What will happen when the inevitable Dalek episodes are screened? Journeying in my personal imagination/time machine?

The Daleks are confused: Can this really be their sworn enemy?

Chromosome analysis reveals that the DOCTOR has XX chromosomes instead of the expected male XY pairing.

I have arranged this Holy Grail of T.V. themes with care. (Well, for one, I claim ownership as a "first episode viewer" status 23rd Nov. 1963, watching from behind the sofa, largely.) The tune still works for me and this arrangement was a lot of fun to do. I do hope you will enjoy the re-working.


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Daleks can't Dab! - Roland Karl Bryce
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A great dance track featuring home-baked Dalek voices and Electronica. If you missed the 'dab' craze, you still have a chance to take part. Pretend to catch a sneeze inside your elbow, ducking as you go, sling your free arm in the opposite direction? Oh... you just dabbed. Floss and Skibidi moves next.

The Daleks can't 'DAB', but they can 'Spin round and round and reach up to the skies with their telescopic eyes! And... they can Exteeeerminate!


Writing and recording tracks in the studio is supposed to be creative, indeed, but also 'fun'.

If we lose the 'fun' element, that would be sad indeed, "very very saaad, because we cannot daaaab."

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Santa's Mad Dash! - Arranged by Roland Bryce
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Santa's Mad Dash!

A great Christmas Music track, featuring 7 Carols with an 80's retro disco beat and an urgent James Bond-like Brass/Horns link section to help Santa get his sleigh up to speed in between chimney visits!

Hark the Herald!, Jingle Bells, Good King Wenceslas, While Shepherds, Rudolf the Red, O' Come All Yea Faithful plus: Auld Lang Syne: For New Year's Eve. 

ESAM Singers and Instrumentalists 2017: Proceeds to charity. Buy via CDDBaby for maximum donation @ $0.99.


Christmas eve and Santa Claus has overslept from his afternoon snooze. The resultant panic among the Elves is apparent. The sled is launched, Rudolphus at the helm. All is well as the Global journey is completed in the nick o' time. Yeeehaw!

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Copyright © 2020 Roland Karl Bryce

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