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LIVE events (Archive)

When the Wind Blows

Ukraine refugee support EVENT: ‘When The Wind Blows’, The music was composed by Roland Bryce (1983) Book by Raymond Briggs.
Saturday, March 19th, 2022, Cliffe Hall Lewes, the music plus images was presented for a live show.
1983, I picked up this picture book, expecting to laugh like I had, earlier, reading Fungus the Bogeyman. Instead, I was spellbound by Hilda & Jim…
They ‘do their best’ to survive following  a nuclear blast : 1983 was a strange time: Greenham Common Women leading the protests, it all seemed so scary, not just for my own little life but for the Whole World! Panicked, and politically effete,  I set to work composing a bunch of songs, collaborating with Raymond. He lived up the road from the school where I taught music, and popped in to listen to the songs. A full concept stage musical came about as a result. I booked studio time and began recording the work by multitrack, 3 months later we were done (and so was my Bank overdraft.)
The music was side-lined for a named composer: Davide  Bowie and another guy called Roger Waters.
I did get some good feedback from Jeff Wayne who told me to get on and stage the show regardless of restrictions imposed by the Film company working on the animated film.
Out of respect to Raymond, I accepted the rejection by the powers that be. They get to us in the end!
Come and see /listen to the show they tried to ban!
(Before Putin does his own version at least. )

3 Performances of Mars 2025

Premiere performance was in the
Daisy Freeman &
Tom Callaghan

A.i.Q. Computer narrated by
Lucy Lloyd
Roland Bryce (Composer/Creative design)
Visuals from Hubble and NASA
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3 Performances of Mars 2025 took place at the :KING'S CHURCH LEWES. Original Script and music by Roland Bryce took us through an imaginary journey from Earth Orbit to the Red planet.
Visuals from Hubble and courtesy of NASA, the presentation involved an immersive musical presentation of new pieces/ songs by Roland Bryce. The music touches on the emotional and psychological well-being of an imaginary space crew, ASTRONAUTS on their way to the red planet in 2025.
This was NOTportraying a glamorous setting of a futuristic Sci-fi experience, deep sleep hibernation and light speed interplanetary travel with a smooth landing the destination. Rather, it is a more realistic glimpse at the day to day emotional states that may arise in such a mission.
Music evokes the emotions, Soundscapes are captivating and reveal the human conditions: Fear/Panic/Resolve/.
All of the astronauts are required to chat to "AIQ" pronounced "IQ" at the end of an extended watch, or just to communicate with ECC Earth Command Centre via SSS, Satellite Support Systems.
The mysterious AIQ?  Asuper-computer, less like HAL from 2001 but certainly a surprising twist, or two!
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Music evokes the emotions; Soundscapes are captivating and reveal the human conditions: Fear/Panic/Resolve/.
All of the astronauts are required to chat to "AIQ" pronounced "IQ" at the end of an extended watch, or just to communicate with ECC Earth Command Centre via SSS, Satellite Support Systems.
The mysterious AIQ?  A super-computer, less like HAL from 2001 but certainly with a surprising twist, or two!

Narrations by Daisy Freeman and Tom Callaghan were excellently portrayed with the deeper psychlogical challenges of long term space travel clearly conveyed.
Lucy Lloyd (Off-stage ) provided the neutral computerised voice of AiQ, with inflections that left the flight crew in varied states of acceptance or wonder.

We do intend to present the show again in Lewes, hoping for fairer inter-planetary weather, less by way of magnetic storms and solar flares!

Watch the SPACE for the next episodes!

(Mars 2025 Captain Redford , Evans & Crew)

Copyright © 2020 Roland Karl Bryce

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