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MusicStave Publishing


Welcome to my 'online place' where I can freely share information or thoughts about my latest musical endeavours.

Visitors will no doubt have unique tastes in music, and some of you will probably have deeper insights into web-site design than me! I do try to keep an open mind. (Leave me an e-mail, if you wish to be a positive 'influencer'.)

If I have shared the site URL with you, then I am happy for you to browse as you see fit.

Some of my personal ideas regarding the 'art' in music are open to debate. I don't profess to know as much or more than you. I compose & write music because music took over my life when I was 12 years old.

Composing just began to flow from the pencil to the MS paper. It was a very odd emergent process. After that, everything was primarily about music for me. Perhaps have a listen and feel free to chat with me about any of my pieces. 

Music can maybe just wash over us, or fill you with joy, at times like an ocean it can arouse your spirit, heal the sick, purge your sorrows, reveal the divine.

Perhaps allow music to absorb you into its own unique time-locked sound world. Music is for Life!

Ballad on theAuld Brigg - © 2021 Roland Bryce
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Ballad to the Auld Brigg, Stirling.

This Scottish Melody (© 2021 Roland Bryce) is a lament/tribute to the Soldiers from the Argyll and Southern Highlanders who suffered in Lienz, June 1945, WW2, Kossacks handover to the Russians.

The Bridge across the Drau in Lienz was the scene of a terrible trauma for the Regiment.

This song is from a new musical drama about those events and the stories of the people involved.​ The Auld Brigg, features in the final scene. 

The Courage of Wallace! - © 1987 Roland Bryce
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The Courage of Wallace

This Scottish Track (© 1987, Roland Bryce) is a tribute to the courage of Scotland's People throughout the ages. Their marches and battles and renowned courage. 

Proud to be born in Scotland and never having truly left.


The composer, choosing sounds, creates sounds, manipulates and codifies sounds, translating them into sonic statements and musical gestures that affect the listeners. These compostions, or ‘pieces’ if you prefer are ‘time-locked’ timbres, rhythms and harmonic relationships often dynamically specific: the silence before, the first few measures and dynamic impact, whether pp 

or ff. Then, onwards to the final cadences or, tailing-off and back to the silence.

Karl Meinhardt Septenary by Roland Bryce

Nuova Musica: 'new music'

Unless we listen to new music and make a place for it in the busy world of concert programmes and staged current events, we may miss something very special that is happening right in the 'now'.

Contemporary music, within our current time.

Copyright © 2020 Roland Karl Bryce

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